All Koneks products are delivered to customers by passing quality, conformity and performance analysis and controls. Accuracy of casting and machining periods of products are repeated during the quality control phase. Koneks has developed quality control system without sacrifıcing its quality principles in every single step of production.

Koneks is capable of achıevıng material chemical analysis, casting micro structure control, universal hardness control, micro hardness tests and hardness depth conrol (especially for pins). Ultrasonic alpine sticking test, 100% eye control and 100% precision dimension controls are achieved by qualified employees with CMM machines for each batch of products.

Parts are produced from samples in our modern laboratory by applying reverse engineering techniques. Roundtest, digital height measurement, surface roughness measurement, volume measurement and coordinate measurements can be applied in our laboratory.

We guarantee our products quality by implementing DIN EN ISO 9001-2008 and TS 16949 quality standards in every phase of our production.

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